Do you approve solely based on the application?
No, We HIGHLY recommend that you also get involed in the community. We understand, not everyone uses Facebook however that is where our community facebook group found it's home. ...
No, We HIGHLY recommend that you also get involed in the community. We understand, not everyone uses Facebook however that is where our community facebook group found it's home. ...
The price of Pouched Rats is high for 2 reasons. We cap the prices breeders can charge at this is the level, where breeders are unlikley to be able ...
We cap the price our breeders can charge at a minimum of £250 and maximum of £350 for a single baby. However breeders can choose to give babies away ...
Yes, our committee can help breeders re-asses. If you was approved by our process but not by a breeder we can find out why and mediate. It may be ...
You must remember that these animals are babies, born from loving animals that the breeders view as family. Their babies are seen as additions to that family. They want ...
Not always, every requirement is about matching animals to owners but in some cases, yes. It may prevent a breeder homing an animal to you. Every situation is individually ...
Realisticly you could wait around 12 months. We always choose the best suitable approved applications from the list, not based on first come first served. We do endevour to ...
Some questions we ask, or a breeder may ask does seem a little personal. We use this information to paint a picture of you and your suitablity as an ...
We have a number of requirements we look at for suitability, which includes Housing situation Young Children and Commitments Prior Experience Other animals in the household Every breeder ...
From filling in your application. The NPRS Committee, a group elected annually who help make society decisions will make a judgement on your suitability based a number of factors. ...