Become an NPRS Buddy

  • Please give a quick summary as to why you would like to become an NPRS Buddy
  • Provide a quick summary of your experience with pouched rats.
  • We can use your postcode to easily match you to someone who needs a buddy
    Please be aware that by becoming a buddy you agree to the following.

    I agree to let the NPRS share my email address with someone looking for a buddy.

    I will be formally introduced by email to my buddy first and it will then be my choice to share a telephone number to start the buddy process.

    The NPRS may decline my offer of becoming a buddy should they feel i am not qualified to offer advice.

    My buddy may choose to contact me at any time of day should they have a problem. I am ok with the potential possibility of receiving a phonecall from them in the middle of the night.

    I will only offer the best possible advice at all times and to the best of my knowledge.